A Step in the Right Direction
Character First Initiative Uganda (CFIU) works within schools and communities where at most risk young people can be accessed. Here, we believe that a person’s entire life can be changed in a single conversation at the right time. We ought to make life better in our respective societies by breaking the cycle and building a culture based on character.
We have a list of character traits on our line-up which we bring to the young people in Kalungu. We partner with professionals who want to make life better for others through the mentorship and leadership sessions in which they share the best content and experiences with the children.
Getting the Message Across
We already embarked on the BCP through a system of voluntary peer educators to help change the mind set of people. Even though it is difficult and time consuming, its success will bring about a revolution and change our community for the better.
The BCP communications are done using two modes: audience interaction and cell/family meetings where our 49-character traits are communicated to the young people by our facilitator.
Through discussions based on age group, standards, and preferences, school outreaches is our main priority in administering and presenting our behavioral change communications, community meetings, and interactions for the Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights and HIV/AIDS Awareness topic.